Dyrøy next to Senja is a green emerald in the Arctic

The Arctic is not always bare. In the sheltered areas, lush, green surprises await you. Such as Dyrøya.

What does nature look like at 68 degrees north? That must be tundra, right? Dyrøya is a wooded and green island protected by Senja, but open to the springy gentle weather that follows the Gulf stream up from the southwest. Meanwhile, much of the island consists of low hills. This creates vegetation of deciduous foliage reminiscent of far more southern latitudes.

Practical information about Dyrøy on Senja

Dyrøya is an island in Dyrøy municipality in central Troms. However, the municipal centre Brøstadbotn is located on the mainland.

The island has a bridge, so travelling by car is easy. There are also buses to Brøstadbotn and further onward.

Tourist information is provided by Visit Senja

Dyrøya has one guesthouse which can be found on the following page, Dyrøyhamn Gjestehus.

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