The Finnmark Plateau

The Sami heartland is wide horizons and untouched nature

© Thomas Rasmus Skaug

This area is the Sami heartland

Karasjok and Kautokeino make up the Sami core area, and 98 per cent of the population in the community of Maze speak the Sami language at home. Reindeer husbandry is the traditional trade – extremely traditional for some practioners – while performed in a modern version by the majority.

Learn everything about the Sami people

Colourful Easter festivals, joik – the chanting song of the Sami people – and “bidos” or reindeer stew served in traditional Sami lavvu tents, as well as Sametinget – the Sami Parliament, snow scooters and innovative art; Sami culture today is very much about uniting traditions with modern life.

The Finnmark Plateau has a landscape for all seasons

The landscape here is one of rolling hills, with low-lying ridges, lakes, rivers and marshes. Besides Karasjok, Kautokeino and Maze, there are only a few small settlements. During Norway’s winter, the lowest temperatures are often recorded up here, but a dry climate ensures regular views of the Northern Lights. During the summer, the temperature sometimes reaches tropical highs.

3 fun activities at the Finnmark Plateau

© Thomas Rasmus Skaug

Book activities and accommodation

The Book Finnmark website has a wide range of good addresses in the far north