
A wild, rugged mountain chain is rising up from the Gulf Stream, forming a rare and unique world, of cods, fishermen cabins (Rorbu) , local art, culture and beautiful nature.

An Ice carved and wind blown landscape

Europe’s oldest mountains, dark violet in colour and sculpted and polished by the glaciers during multiple ice ages, jet up from the ocean and form a wall that is 100 kilometres long and 800 to 1,000 metres high. In between them are green valleys, white sandy beaches and a windblown archipelago.

The World’s biggest cod supply is here

The cod return from the Barents Sea during the winter as “skrei” or winter cod on a journey of love; they are on a mission to spawn. For a thousand years, the fishermen have come here from all along the Norwegian coast to take part in this enormous fishing season – a living history that is evident in the sculptural drying racks for fish, the simple red-painted fishermen’s cabins or “rorbu”, the grand manors of the owners of the fishing villages and the magnificence of the Lofoten Cathedral.

The landscape has been an inspiration for centuries

The Lofoten landscape is awe-inspiring. Painters, sculptors, art metalworkers and glassblowers along with surfers, kayakers, anglers, cyclists, climbers, off-pisters and Northern Lights gazers thrive in a diverse but compact island realm.

3 popular activities

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